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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Best Professions for Each sign of the Zodiac

There are all signs in all professions and actually your moon sign will be a little more accurate in your career choice than your zodiac (sun) sign.  My choice of professions comes from each sign’s traits and my experience as an Astrologer by doing thousands of charts.

Aries: These people are often born leaders and you will find many at the helm of large corporations.  They also do well in their own businesses, but need help with the details.  Restaurant ownership as well as retail stores works well with the Aries personality.
Taurus:  This sign appreciates beauty in the home so being a designer is a natural career.  Taurus people also make great architects.  Anything to do with real estate is on the mark.

Gemini:  Geminis are very  physically active and often excel in a variety of different sports.  They also make great coaches as they have a way of knowing the best tactics to wn in sports.  Gemini people also do well in real estate but enjoy having assistants for the busy work.

Cancer:  Don’t let this reputed homebody fool you.  Cancer people can run any business and take care of the details. This sign rarely fails in any business endeavors, but when things are not going right they fix everything.  Their love of good food makes them also fine chefs.

Leo:  These people love to be at the head of anything and enjoy lots of compliments for fine work.   The title president makes them very happy and they live up to the standards set. Leos are great at shaking hands and spreading the word.

Virgo:  Thought be quiet and reserved they are excellent writers and communicators.  They do excellent in many types of sales jobs with their clever ways of getting new business.

Libras:  They will have more than one profession during their working years. Excellent in the field of acting and also medicine.  You may find many elderly Libras headed back to school to learn something new.

Scorpio;  Clever and creative in almost any endeavor.  They work well on creative teams and are amazing idea people. However, Scorpios need a really wonderful support system to succeed. Advertising and sales work well for this sign.

Sagittarius:  Great psychologists with their understanding of human nature.  This sign makes great teachers in any subject they choose. They are clever and always a little philosophy to share.

Capricorns;  Any profession that requires details and accuracy you can count on a Capricorn..   Accounting, Dentistry, teaching are among the best.

Aquarius:  This sign is bordering on genius in many ways.  They love working with large groups teaching and collaborating.  Great public speakers and everyone listens.

Pisces:  Of course this sign would love to live near the water and work near the water. Very talented and diversified in their interests. These people are amazingly organized, take care of important details and work well with people.  Best profession would be sales, small business, and teaching.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

All About Capricorns

Capricorn  December 22- January 20

Capricorn with Saturn Ruling Planet
Here is the first day of Capricorns who are probably the most serious sign of the zodiac.  However, they do have a fun side to them.  And do remember there is more to your Astrology personality than your zodiac sign

Capricorn Woman  

The first thought comes to mind that about  the Capricorn is that she  never gives up.  When the Capricorn lady  is in love and knows exactly what she wants she is in it for the duration.  Never using clever and devious means to catch her mate she literally will find most interesting ways to achieve this goal. For example if she knows her love has a passion for old movies, her first gift will be a series of old movies with an invitation to her home to share.  To end the evening there will be a special gift to purchase favorite old movies.   If her love has a  passion to hike and bike you can be sure she will practice before her hiking and biking adventure with him.   An invitation to go on a long hike and show her ability is the way the Capricorn woman operates.  She is hardworking, serious and well organized.  On the negative side she may have to  fight melancholy,  and can be arrogant and jealous.

If you were to hire someone to run your business Capricorn females fill the bill.  Their organization skills and determination beat all other zodiac signs. Having a small group of friends works best for this sign as they are good friends but only to a few.   You will not find them out searching new friends or be hostess to a large party of acquaintances. This sign also loves gourmet food, fine wine and ambiance.

Capricorn Men 

You will rarely find a Capricorn man who is comfortable with a variety of emotions.  Very often falling in love is a well organized plan.  He wants that perfect woman who fits all of his needs—-romance being at the tail end at times.  He can be perceived as cold and callous but he is very protective of his feelings. With the ruling planet of Saturn these Capricorn men are slow to make decisions,  and can analyze life to death.  Fast and quick are not two words used to describe Capricorns.  This sign can be the workaholic of the zodiac.  His job and work often take first place in life.  Success and financial security come above social and fun.  Capricorns often have a very dry sense of humor and can let their hair down once in a while. As a parent these serious minded men can be strict disciplinarians but are generally quite fair.  They are not interested in fluff and frivolity and their homes and workspace display this.  

Capricorns do well in love with Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio people

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Your Sun and Moon Sign Together

It is easy enough to compare sun signs and read the many descriptions there are in newspapers, magazines and mostly online.  The sun changes signs on a regular basis every 30-31 days.  

The moon sign in Astrology moves in the same fashion from one sign to the next just as your sun sign does, except it takes only 2.5 days to go from Aries, to Taurus etc.  The moon represents your emotional personality, food preferences and romantic attractions.

Both the sun and moon sign are important in sketching out your personality however it is about the way they work together that is very powerful. 

Many Astrologers feel that your sun sign makes up about 80 percent of your personality. However, your emotional personality is truly how you react and feel from deep within.

You are a Capricorn and basically very stalwart, practical and organized.  Add a Pisces moon sign and suddenly you are softer in feelings and react more emotionally to life. 

A Libra who can be all over the place at times has a moon sign in Taurus and this creates more direction and clarity in life.

An Aries sun sign is teamed up with a Leo moon sign.  Both of these signs are fire signs so energy is prevalent and action is part of solving problems.

I have spent a lot of time researching the different combinations and it gives me a clearer view of the person whose chart I am creating.

You can find your moon sign online.  There are many free astrology sites to compile your basic chart. You just fill in your birthday, year, time and place of birth.  I used to spend a great deal of time putting together a chart and now the internet has done all the math and hard work.  These sites often will provide an entire reading.  In my opinion these readings are far too general. Astrology is a personal experience and I like to look at the entire picture tin order  make my decisions. There are many factors in Astrology and each Astrologer interprets things differently.

One more note is that your moon sign often determines who you might be attracted to. It is always your choice who you want to be with and there is always free will.

Please feel free to ask an questions and I will answer on the next blog post.

Friday, December 14, 2018


There is just one more week for the sign of Sagittarius.  Sagittarians are said to be the most healthy sign of the zodiac.  This freedom loving sign always needs to feel the door is open. People born under this sign always have a few words of wisdom for must about any situation.   They love being busy with whatever their career in life is.  Psychology is a wonder profession for these people as they get to share how they feel about everything.  Also suitable is the hospitality industry and a job where they can be free and never tied to a desk.  Sagittarians love to teach just about anything they are knowledgable about. 

The most compatible signs for friendship are Libras, Leos, Aquarians and they love people of their own sign.  Aquarians are a particular favorite sign as the spark of freedom and adventure is loved by both.

In love  this sign always needs a partner who understands their need for freedom and space.  Libras, Aries and Geminis fall into this bracket.  Gemini is directly across Sagittarius so there could be arguments and stressful times.  However, the difference in personality can also be a lot of fun.  And also noting Gemini people love their freedom.

Sagittarius people love to eat though often not gourmets.  I think their busy minds take over sometimes and food means relaxation and time off.  Sometimes the scales tip in the wrong direction but Sagittarian people hate diets.  The word sets off a feeling of panic for them.

This is the year for you Sagittarius people.  Your ruling planet of Jupiter which represents expansion and good lick is residing in your sign for an entire year. This does not mean that it will fall in your lap but it does mean there will be lots of opportunity for you to achieve many of your goals.  This is also a year to evaluate yourself--how you look, feel about yourself and the way the word sees you. This happens only once every twelve years so take advantage of it.

Astrology is a guide in life and always remember you have free will.

The dates for this sign:  November 22 through December 21.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Planetary Influence on your chart

Most of you who share an interest in Astrology are very familiar with your zodiac sign.  And even many of you who claim not to be interested in Astrology will sneak a peek at your daily forecast if it is in a newspaper that you read.  It is always wonderful to start the day on a positive note with some happy news for your particular sun sign or someone close to you.

The  planets that influence your life on a daily basis and also reveal traits about you are as follows:


These planets move through the signs as your sun sign does.  On the day you were born they were in a particular sign which has a strong influence on your personality.  Where the planets are each day influences your life. These planets take between 3-5 weeks to change from one sign to another.

When I do a reading I pay close attention to these three planets and their influence.

Mercury:  This planets influences how you think and reason.  This planet is also is indicative on how you  communicate your thoughts.  Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, so in astrology it will fall into your sun sign or sign on either side of your zodiac sign.  For example if you are a Libra, Mercury will fall in Libra, Virgo or Scorpio.

If you are a Libra you will either think and communicate like a Libra, Virgo or Scorpio depending on the placement of Mercury.

Venus: This planet represents your love nature, your kindness and ability to get along with people in a favorable manner.  Each one of the signs that this planet falls into will tell the Astrologer a lot about you and how you deal with life in general.

Mars:  Mars was the Fighter God and Mars is also a strong planet which determines your energy, temper and how you react in a physical manner.  Lets say Mars falls in Virgo.  This placement will enable you to reason and think before allowing your anger to get the best of you.

Each zodiac sign has a ruling planet which influences sun sign a great deal.  Leos are ruled by the sun which is very powerful.  Leos are often powerful and how they use the power is another issue.

This is just a quick review and there is a lot more to say about the different planets.

Saturn and Jupiter are the planets I use to determine future trends.

Uranus and Neptune reside in a particular sign several years so their influence is longer lasting.

Pluto stays in a sign up to 30 years. The influence of Pluto is often generational.

The final thought here is that it takes assessing all of the planets placement before coming up with a trend  on anyone's astrology chart.

Please feel free to email me at where I will be happy to answer any questions.  Or you can leave me a comment here.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

All About Your Moon Sign

Most people who are interested in Astrology know their sun (zodiac) sign.  This is easy to follow as the sun changes signs--from Aries, to Taurus etc. on a regular basis of 28-31 days.  Remember the days when someone would come up to you and say "what's your sign"?  Astrology is alive and well but this question has become pretty much obsolete.

The moon and other planets in the solar system also make their way around the 12 signs as the sun.  However, the moon and other planets move through the signs at different rates of speed.  The moon takes 2.5 days to go from one sign to the other.  And at the far end of the spectrum Pluto takes up to 30 years to go from one sign to another.

There are three power points in Astrology:
1. Sun sign:  Your basic personality and inner drives
2. Moon Sign: Your emotional personality and reactions, food choices and romantic choices
3. Rising Sign:  This is the way people see you and not always your true self.

Pictured:  Sun in Libra, Moon in Gemini and Rising sign in Scorpio

The moon sign is more important or perhaps more easily deciphered.  Your moon sign combined with your sun sign reveals a lot of information about you.  The moon sign can add energy, creativity, dependability and more to your original sun sign.  I have often found as an Astrologer that the moon sign on women's chart takes over a lot of the personality traits of the sun sign.

For example my sun sign is in Libra which brings out many traits to mine such as indecisiveness, sociability and graciousness.  My Virgo moon sign has created a more dependable Libra and though I still am indecisive once I make up my mind I stay with it.  I am also interested in healthy living and eating nourishing food.  The Libra tends to eat whatever he/she desires without thinking about either calories or healthfulness.  This is not true of all Libras.  My Virgo moon also has created an over analytical mind about many things.

Generalizing in Astrology about the sun sign, moon sign or even rising sign is not a genuine way to interpret an Astrology chart.  Your Astrology reading  is the sum total of all the planetary placements on the day you were born.  To duplicate your chart would take 25,000 years.

Please feel free to ask any questions and I promise I will address them.  I am available to read charts.  We can have a telephone conversation or a written report.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Why Believe in Astrology

What does Astrology add to your life?  Will you find love, success in business, money and happiness? Yes this is all possible but you probably won't wake up one day with the rainbow floating around your house.

Astrology is a guide.  What signs go well together is a huge question.  Love  and romance is connected with your moon sign (will explain this soon).  Certain signs do well in certain businesses.  Certain signs seem to have more confidence than others.  The planets can reveal when it is a good time to make a business decision, all a potential customer etc.  You can also learn a lot by knowing who you will be contacting with their traits and attitude. . It would take 25,000 years to duplicate your particular chart.  Pretty amazing!!!  You are unique in your very own way.

Astrology will  not make someone fall in love with you.  Even if you have perfectly compatible charts doesn't mean there will be a spark.  However a chart could reveal when and where is a possible place to meet that perfect love.

I will be adding new information often about astrology.  Feel Free to ask questions and they will be answered.